Saturday 3 March 2012

My Memories

As some of you may know, I take interest in scrapbooking as it tends to go along with photography. 

Recently, I was introduced to a digital scrapbooking software program called My Memories suite by My Memories.

I had a chance to play around with this program a little bit.  There are many great layouts already made where all you have to do is add your photo and your journaling, like these I did below:

You can also start from scratch and put your own layouts together, make greeting cards, or anything really.  The options are almost endless.

Moving right along, I thought you might like a chance at winning this great software for yourself!  My Memories has given me one copy to giveaway to one person!

How do you enter to win? Simple!  At the bottom of this post is a rafflecopter wiget.  Please use this to enter as we will be using this program to also pick the winner!  If you have any questions, please e-mail me.

Contest is open from April 4, 2012 through to April 17, 2012 6:00 CST.  Winner will be contacted and announced on my blog after I've verified entries.

For those of you wanting to buy the program now, I have a deal for you!  Use Code STMMMS73433 for $10 off the program!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Elizabeth said...
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Elizabeth said...

ohhhhh i wanna win!!

petitehermine said...

Sounds like a great program, can't wait until the giveaway starts! :)

Symbolic Imports said...

Nice software. I like the "A day in the life"

Symbolic Imports said...

Nice software. I like "A day in the life".

Art Kat said...

I love the April Morning Pack!
So pretty with the colors and butterflies.

Elizabeth said...

my favorite is the fishtank one, cause it has a turtle in it!!!

Peelirohini said...

I want it..please !!!

Unknown said...

What a great idea! I make photo books from Snapfish to catalog my memories.

Anonymous said...

I quite like the 'Oh Boy' Pack theme. It's very pretty. Thank you for offering us the opportunity to win such an exciting software.

Crystal said... need to use the rafflecopter to enter ;)

Anonymous said...

Crystal, have done so, that is how I got started. Used the rafflecopter, though didn't press enter to my question here and now returning to the page where I entered seems to not be there anymore, and Thank you for your response message.

Crystal said...

Ana I'm not seeing it on rafflecopter. Just so you know.

Anonymous said...

Crystal, I wonder how to enter now?

Anonymous said...

Crystal I have just managed to find the rafflecopter on your Giveaway to enter!

Phew! And thank you so much for your support all the way. :)

New England Quilter said...

Looks like great software - great giveaway!

InezbyDesign said...

I love the Oh Boy papers.

Anonymous said...

I'm in! A day in the life looks good.

New England Quilter said...