Friday 24 June 2011

Go Promotional Frenzy Team!

The promotional frenzy team on etsy that I've been promoting my business on is running in a contest for a $450 package of advertising on a new site called Handmade Top 10 by the ever popular Handmadeology.

Our team is big into promoting each others shops and helping everyone get the exposure they need via many different social networks.  Everyone has different contacts and followers, therefore, each person participating receives a lot more exposure to their product they are selling.

There are many great products for sale in the Promotional Frenzy Team, which you can catch a quick glimpse at if you peek through the items available to vote on.

PLEASE click on the orange box below and vote for each of the items shown!  Each vote helps us in the contest!

Also, PLEASE click on the Facebook link when you are visiting the voting page and click like!  If you twitter, we'd appreciate you tweeting about the contest as well!  We appreciate all the help from all our friends!

Thank you so much for your help!

1 comment:

Sewinggranny - Mona said...

Great list of choices to vote for.. good luck team.